Tuesday, August 28, 2007



After months of much thought, prayerful consideration and discernment, the Leadership Team of our small group agreed to change our name to MOSAIC. Henceforth, our group's name shall be thus.

A mosaic is a visual artform of putting together small pieces of colored glass, stone or other material to create a bigger picture. It paints a clearer, better picture of who we really are as a culturally and ethnically-diverse Bible study group. We are young adults from different cultural and ethnic backgrounds but made ONE in Christ.

We are followers of Jesus Christ, committed to live by faith, to be known by love, and to be a voice of hope. The name of our community comes from the diversity of our members and from the symbolism of a broken and fragmented humanity which can become a work of beauty under the artful hands of God. We welcome people from all walks of life, regardless of where they are in their spiritual journey. Come to Mosaic, and discover how all the pieces can fit together!


NOW- We just need to figure out how the name of our BLOG may be changed to Mosaic instead of iYACIES. Help!


pretty rose said...

hmm...how about signing up for multiply and just set the posts to everyone??? i think multiply is more fun, hehe! :)

Anonymous said...

no way! multiply.com is not accessible here in my office... that would be unfair! hehehe =)

Kevin said...

Nice blog :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks Kevin!
How's ministry among the college students in Manila?
Hopefully, we can have you to speak in one of our events.

Anonymous said...

Mad props to PJon for expounding on my cheezy & simple
"We are of the same Christian family but of different pieces of culture"
tag line for the MOSAIC name.

Anyway, I browsed Kevin's blog http://kuyakevin.blogspot.com/

Very interesting stuff. I second the idea of inviting him to speak in our group when he got the time.
Me & Andy can probably coordinate on how to get him to & from GCF.
Yeah, we can feed him too. We're not that cruel yet =P

Be a good idea for our other young GCF pastors (who dont have any sort of online blog) to create a similar online resource to reach out to more people.

As said in the movie
"A waterfall starts w/ just a drop of water"